PKF中国绿卡成功案例(Chinese Permanent Resident Card)Scroll down for the English version. 随着中国经济的发展对外吸引力增强,来华的外籍人士越来越多。对于长期生活在华的外籍人士而言,一张中国绿卡无疑是非常必要的。但外籍人士要申请,除需遵守中国法律,身体健康,无犯罪记录外,还要符合一些特殊条件才可以。而这些“特殊条件”颇为严格,因此中国绿卡也号称是最难拿的绿卡。但近年来,关于“绿卡”的改革与新规不断,包括放宽申请条件、简化申请流程、缩短审批时限、允许随行未成年子女申领、扩大持“绿卡”享有的福利等。同时随着政策的改革和调整,“中国绿卡”的含金量也在不断提高,在金融、教育、医疗等各方面给外国公民带来切实便利。 PKF在为外国人申请中国绿卡方面,也有着丰富的经验,以下是我们的一起经典成功案例。 经典案例 JOHN 先生原来是泰国的一名商业经理,考虑到自己的事业需要不断的去世界各国谈业务,而多国对英国有免签政策,他就于92年放弃了泰国国籍,加入了新加坡国籍。但在因为看好中国市场的发展潜力,JOHN先生来到中国寻找发展机会,并从2010年来华工作至今,在工作的这些年里,他带领团队充分发挥了中国在物流和人力上的成本优势提升了公司盈利,提高了公司员工的话语权和福利待遇,将公司从原来不受重视的子公司变成了亚太地区的核心所在。同时也帮助了合作机构完善了制度规章、提高了办事效率,进一步推进了中国工厂的价格竞争优势和服务品质。现在JOHN先生将生活的重心放在了中国,他的妻子也在中国定居了,他们也马上打算要一个宝宝,所以他们决定申请一个中国永居证件。考虑到JOHN先生这些年丰富的工作经验、每年拿到的高薪和良好的纳税记录。因此,PKF德美的律师认为JOHN先生符合就业人员申请永久居留证的条件,而他的妻子也可以一起作为副申请人申请到永居。 但在PKF律师将其资料上交之后,由于JOHN先生此前有过变更国籍的事项,我们在常规材料之外还要提交额外的新加坡入籍证明和泰国退籍证明。同时无犯罪记录证明也要同时出具两国的无犯罪记录证明。而我们面对的最大的问题就是出在了新加坡的无犯罪记录证明上。新加坡的领馆为新加坡公民提供开具无犯罪记录证明的服务,但是我国的出入境管理局却不认领馆开具的证明。他们要求一定要由新加坡的警察局出具无犯罪记录证明,我们面对这个问题也积极的去解决,一方面和出入境理论看是否可以认可领馆出具的证明,另一方面也积极联系新加坡的警察局为客户出具无犯罪记录证明。 最终在律师的努力下,我们及时递交了JOHN先生的无犯罪记录文件,并为JOHN先生申请到了中国绿卡。 * 为保护客户隐私,文中为化名,并对部分内容做模糊处理。
什么是中国绿卡 中国绿卡就是外国人永久居留身份证(Foreign Permanent Resident ID Card),是外国人在我国境内证明自己身份的合法证件,是永久居留外国人享受在华资格待遇的有形凭证。《关于加强外国人永久居留服务管理的意见》对强化永久居留外国人身份证件功能作用提出了明确要求。 现在可以申请中国永居的情况主要有:夫妻团聚人员申请永久居留证、就业人员申请永久居留证、亲子团聚人员申请永久居留证、亲属投靠人员申请永久居留证、任职人员申请永久居留证、特殊人员申请永久居留证和投资人员申请永久居留证。 想要了解更多关于中国绿卡的信息就来联系我们吧!PKF可以为您提供法律、税务规划、海外移民、财富传承、家族办公室、会计、财务、审计和审阅、不动产、教育等方面的咨询服务。 PKF China - Chinese Foreign Permanent Resident ID Card Over the past decade the People’s Republic of China has experienced a rapid growth and development. Many foreign companies have started opening their branches in China, and foreign workers have approached the Chinese market. China is growing into an increasingly attractive migrant destination. Applying for a residence permit or a working visa is getting stricter and more foreigners are opting for a Chinese Foreign Permanent Resident ID Card. Is it difficult? Is true that the success rate is low? Not at all, as long as you are assisted by someone experienced.
Getting China’s Foreign Permanent Resident ID Card is considered one of the most difficult tasks in the world. But the country has eased the process by streamlining procedures and lowering the threshold for applicants. According to the ministry of Public Security, in 2016 alone 1,576 foreigners became permanent residents in China. PKF Demei law firm has successfully helped its foreign clients in obtaining the People’s Republic of China Foreign Permanent Resident ID Card . An example of one of our clients who has obtained the Chinese Foreign Permanent Resident ID Card.
What are the requirements? How to apply? Having worked in China for at least 4 consecutive (alongside with good tax records), marrying a Chinese citizen, holding a managerial position or investing in the country makes you eligible for an application. Unfortunately the process is not as smooth as it can appear and therefore it is crucial to find the right support during the application process. Do you want to check your eligibility for the Chinese Foreign Permanent Resident ID Card? Contact us for more information. Shanghai Demei Law Firm is a member firm of the PKF International Limited family of legally independent firms and does not accept any responsibility or liability for the actions or inactions of any individual member or correspondent firm or firms. 上海德美律师事务所是法律上独立运营事务所组成的PKF国际网络成员所,不对其他任何独立成员所或其他关联机构的行为或其不作应有行为承担任何责任或义务。 上一篇: NRA、FTN离岸账户大不同
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